Week 1 Summary                                 Mark chapters 1-4


Chapter 1

Something New – John the Baptist prepares the way for something new. Jesus announces the good news to as many people as He can.


Power and Authority – Jesus demonstrates His power and authority through His actions and conversations. He demonstrates His power over demons, illnesses, and diseases. People are drawn to Him.


Chapter 2

Power and Authority- Jesus forgives and heals a paralytic. This powerful example of Jesus’ purpose and authority is also recorded in Matthew 9 and Luke 5.


Conflict – The religious leaders are suspicious and begin to question His methods. (2:7, 2:16, 2:18, 2:24)


Chapter 3

Conflict – Jewish leaders began looking for a reason to accuse Jesus of wrong doing. But when Jesus asked: "Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?” - they remained silent.


Some began to plot to kill Him. (3:6) Jesus, however, continued as before - healing, teaching and appointing 12 to follow Him. The conflict comes to a pivotal point when He is accused of working under the prince of demons. Jesus introduces this new means of teaching about the kingdom of God using parables (3:23)


Chapter 4

Parables –The meanings of the parables are not immediately clear to all who hear them, but Jesus carefully explains everything to those remain.


Power and Authority – Following the parable section, a sudden storm threatens the crew and boat. When Jesus calms the winds and the waves, the disciples are left terrified and ask: “Who is this? Even the wind and waves obey Him?”


Closing comments

Throughout these chapters, we see Jesus committed to spreading the good news. Because the good news conflicted with the old, controversies occurred.


Will the new be accepted? It comes down to an individual choice…


Are you ready for Jesus to forgive you of your sins?