Week 3 Introduction Mark 9-12
The Willingness of Christ
Jesus knew from the beginning how His life on earth would end. He knew His purpose and stayed focused to the task. Perhaps that is why He seemed so eager to keep moving, eager to get to the next village, eager to reach the next person…
The disciples barely understood the mission - they were followers. Once they recognized Jesus as Israel’s chosen, the Christ, they assumed Jesus would usher in the kingdom any day, and they were ready to take their places.
Jesus told them about the suffering and death- it went right over their heads. They didn’t understand. So He repeated it to them, on three separate occasions. (Mk 8: 31, 9:31, 10:33) He also began to teach them more about the kingdom of God.
It seems odd to us as we read this section that Jesus would come to earth only to suffer and die. It seems odd that He would prepare His disciples for persecution. What was in it for Him? What was in it for the disciples? What was in it for us today?
Everything – Jesus would answer… For every soul who comes to Him in faith- that is one who believes in His identity and trusts in His works - will one day take their place in His kingdom. Out of obedience to the Father’s plan and on behalf of those who would receive eternal salvation, Jesus willingly suffered.
Beginning at Mark 8:27, watch for key words such as life, soul, hell, persecution, ransom, eternal life, and kingdom of God.
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served,
but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many." Mark 10:45